Yearly Archives: 2015

The Frack Stops Here 2 - LIVE UPDATES

The Frack Stops Here 2 – LIVE UPDATES

Cuadrilla Resources fracking plans for Preston New Road have been REFUSED!!! – See the time-line to refusal below… This decision has implications for the whole of the UK and Ireland: Lancashire Fracking Showdown – The Beginning Of A Larger Battle Timeline 29th June – Webcast 11.21am – The application for wider seismic monitoring works has […]

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Lancashire Fracking Showdown: The Beginning Of A Larger Battle

Lancashire Fracking Showdown: The Beginning Of A Larger Battle

  • Plans For Large New Lancashire Fracking Sites
  • Council Considering Applications This Week
  • Communities are mobilising to fight this threat
  • If rejected will be appeal to central government
  • Approval would just be beginning of long battle
  • Would take 2 years to drill and frack the sites
  • Cuadrilla gathering data to get more investment
  • Level of community resistance will be decisive
  • Communities blocking fracking across the globe
  • Stakes are very high and not just for Lancashire
  • Area where fracking pushed most aggressively
  • Threat of thousands of wells across Lancashire
  • Potentially tens of thousands across Britain

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Upton Day 427 (Fri 5th Jun)

Upton Day 427 (Fri 5th Jun)

Camp at Upton (near Chester) which is occupying land where IGas want to site a frack pad.

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Hunters shot geese on Cuadrillas wildfowl refuge

Hunters shot geese on Cuadrillas wildfowl refuge

Pink Footed Geese feeding on a wildfowl refuge set up by fracking company Cuadrilla were shot by hunters who had leased the same fields. Cuadrilla rented land on the Lancashire coast as winter grazing for birds displaced by its exploratory gas well at Becconsall, near Banks. However shooting rights on the land had already been […]

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