Yearly Archives: 2014

West Newton Day 66 (Tues 15th Jul)
Rathlin Energy have erected a workover rig on the site to carry out a mini-frac on the Bowland Shale. Today has seen convoys of trucks attempting to resupply the site and the people trying to stop them. See below for more photos.

Fracking Yorkshire: Cuadrilla Rig On Rathlin Site
- Rathlin Energy push fracking in East Yorkshire
- Returns to West Newton site drilled last year
- 40 HGV’s escorted by 100 police swoop on site
- Planning mini-frac on the Bowland Shale layer
- Aims to test if the shale layer can be fractured
- Cuadrilla’s fracking rig now erected on the site
- Rented to Rathlin to conduct the mini-frac test
- More oil & gas companies getting into fracking
- Community at Crawberry Hill under same threat
- Camps supporting blockades outside both sites
- 150 people march in nearby town of Beverley
- Communities mobilising to resist this threat

West Newton Day 56 (Sat 5th Jul)
Rathlin Energy have started trying to move large amounts of equipment onto the site in preparation for the mini-frac they want to carry out on the Bowland Shale. A workover rig is being erected on the site. See below for more photos.

West Newton Day 54 (Thurs 3rd Jul)
Rathlin Energy have started trying to move large amounts of equipment onto the site in preparation for the mini-frac they want to carry out on the Bowland Shale. A workover rig is being erected on the site. See below for more photos.

West Newton Day 53 (Weds 2nd Jul)
Rathlin Energy have started trying to move large amounts of equipment onto the site in preparation for the mini-frac they want to carry out on the Bowland Shale. Massive convoy of vehicles and with large police escort. See below for more photos.

Fracking Scotland: Shale Report Signals Third Threat
- New BGS shale oil and gas report released
- Focused on Midland Valley in central Scotland
- Outlines third fracking threat to the region
- On top of the coal based threats: CBM/UCG
- Suggests around 14 months of shale gas
- As well as around 5 months of shale oil
- Combined with 5 months Coal Bed Methane
- Extraction would require over 7,000 wells
- Stretches from Glasgow through Edinburgh
- Underground Coal Gasification also a threat
- 5 UCG licences already sold in Firth of Forth
- More than 1 billion tons of coal targeted
- Extraction would require over 4,000 wells
- Is third BGS report in run up to licensing round
- Where 60% of UK could be sold to the frackers
- Across UK report threaten over 50,000 wells
- Communities getting organised to resist threat

West Newton Day 51 (Mon 30th Jun)
The camp at outside Rathlin Energy’s West Newton fracking site is still going strong. See below for more photos.

Crawberry Hill Day 49 (Sat 28th Jun)
Testing a new mini wood burner made for camp by our local supporters, outside Rathlin Energy’s Crawberry Hill fracking site. See below for more photos.