Monthly Archives: February 2014

Farndon Day 1 (Thurs 27th Feb)
Dart Energy have brought in equipment to their Farndon fracking site and will be trying to erect a drilling rig in the coming days. The local community is mobilizing to resist. See below for more photos.

Fracking Yorkshire: Rathlin Energy`s Plans Revealed
- Rathlin Energy have licence in East Yorkshire
- Openly exploring for conventional oil and gas
- Sneakily drilled 2 wells through Bowland Shale
- Now planning small test fracks on shale layer
- Producing 100,000 gallons of radioactive waste
- No information on where this would be dumped
- Would flare 5 million cubic feet of gas per day
- Producing toxic and carcinogenic air pollutants
- Aims to gather data for full hydraulic fracturing
- Could mean up to 3,000 wells in the licence
- Application for similar well in Northern Ireland

Radioactive Sources Brought To Salford Fracking Site
- Radioactive sources taken into Barton Moss
- Used for making measurements down well
- Schlumberger contracted to do the work by IGas
- Contact for extended periods very dangerous
- If damaged can release radioactive material
- Industry history of loss and mishandling sources
- Repeatedly lost during transport between sites
- Have turned up a month later at sides of roads
- Or in scrap metal shipments across the globe
- Mislaid radioactive sources very dangerous
- Have killed and injured hundreds of people
- Just in Texas over 400 sources lost down wells
- Likely to spread contamination as they degrade
- Fracking spreading use into local communities
- Thousands of wells mean many more sources