Monthly Archives: March 2012

Energy, Climate and Cuts: A Fork in the Road

Energy, Climate and Cuts: A Fork in the Road

  • Extreme Energy having increasing effects
  • Both on society and the environment
  • Concept of net energy very important
  • Energy extraction taking more resources
  • Growing like a cancer within society
  • Will displace everything else if not stopped

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5000 protest Shale Gas in Romania

5,000 Romanians protested against plans by U.S. oil company Chevron Corp. to drill for shale gas last week. Protesters took to the streets in advance a government decision to grant Chevron licenses to frack in three areas on the Black Sea coast. “Even if no well is drilled in my village, we will all be […]

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Womad sponsor leaked Benzene into groundwater

Womad sponsor leaked Benzene into groundwater

A sponsor of the international Womad festival leaked benzene, ethylbenzene and xylene into ground water in New Zealand. Fracking company Shell Todd found the chemicals under storage pits at its site in Taranaki. Todd Energy sponsored one of the main music stages at Womad New Zealand 2012. Shell was also a major sponsor. The company […]

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East Sussex: UK first Frack Free Zone?

East Sussex: UK first Frack Free Zone?

In a move described as “historic” East Sussex County Council today passed a motion highlighting concerns over Fracking, the first county in England to do so. The motion – adopted unanimously – emphasises public concern over Fracking and calls for the council to be properly briefed of the dangers before considering any future Fracking-related planning […]

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Extreme Energy: The Road to Nowhere

  • Extreme Energy set of new extraction methods
  • Driven by depletion of natural resources
  • Particularly the recent rise in oil prices
  • Includes Tar Sands, Deep Water Drilling and Mountain Top Removal
  • Characterised by much greater extraction effort
  • Increased destruction of environment and communities

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Underground Coal Gasification: Hellfire and Damnation

Underground Coal Gasification: Hellfire and Damnation

  • UCG involves burning coal underground
  • Uses same drilling technology as shale gas
  • Previous tests resulted in serious water contamination
  • Large scale use would guarantee climate catastrophe
  • 24 UCG licenses approved around Britain
  • Swansea Bay likely to be site of first tests

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Notorious gas driller moves to Scotland

Notorious gas driller moves to Scotland

Notorious gas driller Dart Energy has applied to drill a third well at its site near Airth, Scotland. Dart, whose plans to drill in central Sydney Australia led 20,000 people to oppose it, has been quietly developing a Scottish site since 2011. Dart is a specialist in Coal Bed Methane (or Coal Seam Gas as […]

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GUEST BLOG: North Lanarkshire Community Scare Off Coal-Bed Methane Application

Reach CSG Ltd submitted a planning application on 23/11/11 on the grounds of Devro Ltd ,Moodiesburn, North Lanarkshire to erect a facility for the Exploration of CBM. The application basically stated that their intention was to drill one borehole to a depth of 1000m, case the borehole to a depth of 100m and monitor the […]

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