Monthly Archives: January 2012

Europe against Fracking – a continent says: NO!
The last six months has seen anti-fracking sweep Europe. In an extraordinary upsurge of citizen-led pressure, European governments, state legislatures, civil liberty groups, activists and residents have all taken up arms against the hydraulic fracturing industry. Grassroots organisations have staged marches, legal challenges, hundreds of public meetings and many direct actions in response to this […]

Coal Bed Methane: The Evil Twin of Shale Gas
Coal Bed Methane (CBM), sometimes called Coal Seam Gas (mainly in Australia), is Shale Gas’s less well known but equally destructive sibling in “the family” of extreme energy methods. Where once, if a coal seam was too deep, too thin or too fractured to mine that was the end of it, now with rising energy […]
Biofuelwatch Guest Blog: From palm oil power stations to mega-wood burners – Extreme Bio-Energy in the UK
Wood- and other biomass burning might not come to most people’s mind when thinking about extreme energy, such as fracking, methane hydrate mining, tar sands and other innovations in destroying nature and the atmosphere faster than ever. Biomass, after all, was the main energy source for most of human history and remains so amongst so […]
Guest Blog: For the New Year: A Warning from the Fracked States of America:
A blog all the way from America. Anti-fracking campaigners from the US give their own perspective, and warn the UK campaign about those who might pretend to be on our side. Look out for certain politicians and environmentalists posing as our allies. The politicians may say that they find fracking unconscionable, abominable, crazy etc. but […]
Cuadrilla boss mauled at West Sussex public meeting
Cuadrilla boss Mark Miller received a tongue lashing at a public meeting in Balcombe, West Sussex, last night. 300 people – including 100 standing – packed Balcombe’s Victory hall to hear the Cuadrilla CEO expound on the company’s controversial Hydraulic Fracturing technique, scheduled to take place a mile from the village. (Listen to a recording […]
If fracking has been happening since 1947 what is there to worry about?
- Hydraulic fracturing is a technology
- Can by used in many different ways
- Used since 1947 to create small cracks
- To speed flow in conventional wells
- Now being used on vast scale for shale
- 1000 times size of conventional fracs
- Cracks extend hundreds of feet from well
- Huge amounts of water, chemicals and sand
- Energy of small nuclear bomb used
- Symptomatic of wider issues
- Massive intensification of extraction