Search Results for: ucg
Extreme Energy
…nergy, Climate and Cuts: A Fork in the Road and Defining Extreme Energy: A Process not a Category for more details. Shale Oil & Gas Extracting oil/gas from impermeable rock Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Extraction of methane from coal seams Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Setting fire to coal underground Tar Sands Extracting oil from tar, sand and clay Bio-Energy Burning anything that grows to get energy Deepwater and Arctic Drilling Going to ex… Continue reading
Caroline Collett PR
…Caroline Collett both works for Five-Quarter (UK’s most visible UCG company) as PR and Media Director and runs the PR company that Five-Quarter contract for media/PR consultancy work. Confused? You should be…. Continue reading
Frack Free Middleton and Bainton
…Frack Free Middleton and Bainton is concerned about extreme fossil fuels extraction, using unconventional methods including fracking, coal bed methane (CBM / CSG) and underground coal gasification. (UCG)…. Continue reading
Landtech Geophysics
…Micro-seismic testing company looking to place itself in the centre of the UK fracking market. Has ties to underground coal gasification (UCG) development via it’s partnership with the Welsh Seren Project…. Continue reading
Denny and Dunipace Against Unconventional Gas
This group has been formed to inform and share information related to the imminent dangers that Unconventional Gas Extraction,CBM,SHALE and UCG pose to our local area and all of OUR SCOTLAND. Continue reading
Fighting Fracking In 2018: Communities Resolute, Industry Shoots Itself In Foot
…son to the massive licence areas issued for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) around the UK. Currently the companies that hold these licences, Five Quarters Energy and Cluff Natural Resources have pulled the plug on all UK projects but the licence areas and the threat still exists. August – Lancashire Fracking: Cuadrilla Now Wants To Frac 2 Wells It Has Drilled As drilling rig parts begin leaving Preston New Road attention turns to resisti… Continue reading
Mounting Evidence: The Harm Caused By Fracking
…government is already selling licences for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG), literally setting fire to coal underground, to try to extract energy. This post links to news articles (rather than the scientific studies on which they are often based) to make it accessible to as many people as possible. However, if you are interested in digging more deeply please see our Reports & Evidence page. If you have suggestions for additional material y… Continue reading
Frack Free Hartlepool
…t have been sold to Five-Quarter energy for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) along our coast line, have been sold with no public consultation. This process is untested and posses significant risk to the health and future of our town. We believe that we need to stand together to stop this from happening as towns and cities are doing up and down the country. Please talk to your friends, family, anyone and everyone to raise awareness of what is ha… Continue reading