Search Results for: ucg
…. In addition two licences for experimental Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) have been granted by the Coal Authority for coal seams under Swansea Bay and the Loghor Estuary. Coastal Oil & Gas and UK Methane have both submitted applications for shale gas exploration that can be seen on the map with yellow flags. Exploration activity in licensed areas in Cheshire has recently crossed over the border of North Wales with a new application at Bo… Continue reading
PRESS RELEASE: Activists denounce earthquake report as `dangerous distraction`
…gas extraction threatening the UK, known as Underground Coal Gasification (UCG), where un-minable coal is burnt underground and gas is collected at the surface. All three extraction processes involve elements which are highly destructive. However, what is not being addressed is the what it would mean for all three of these processes to be in full production in the UK. Elsie Walker, a Frack Off activist, said, ‘This report is a seriously dangerous… Continue reading
Coal Bed Methane: The Evil Twin of Shale Gas
…y road we are heading down is the threat of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG), probably the most dangerous and destructive fossil fuel exploitation method that has so far been considered (with the possible exception of the even more speculative Methane Clathrate Mining). That, however, is a topic for another post. In the mean time CBM is a serious threat that already been widely developed in the United States and Australia and is ready to roll o… Continue reading
20 Impacts of Coal Bed Methane (CBM)
…Impacts of Shale Oil/Gas and 20 Impacts of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) More Infographics here… 20 IMPACTS OF COAL BED METHANE (full text) Produced Water To release methane from coal seams the groundwater trapping the gas must be continually pumped out. The water contains a cocktail of chemicals including carcinogenic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead. In… Continue reading
Prestatyn Area Frack Free (PAFF)
The Prestatyn area is under threat from unconventional gas exploration UCG (Underground Coal Gasification). Continue reading
20 Impacts of Shale Gas
…of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) and 20 Impacts of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) More Infographics here… 20 IMPACTS OF SHALE OIL & GAS (full text) Water Use A single frack uses 5 – 10 Olympic size swimming pools of water. The fracking industry removes water from the water cycle and turns clean water into polluted water that must be treated and disposed of. In the U.S., water auctions see farmers bidding against the oil and gas indus… Continue reading
Don’t Frack with the Jacks!
…We are a group of Swansea jacks who believe that the environmental and health risks presented by shale gas development (fracking) and underground coal gasification (UCG) in the UK are unacceptable…. Continue reading
Extreme Energy: The Road to Nowhere
…and Asia. The even more extreme process of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG), previously confined to some experimentation in out-of-the-way places in the US, Australia and the Soviet Union, is now being proposed right next to British cities, such as Edinburgh, Newcastle, Liverpool and Swansea. Wherever you live some form of extreme energy process is on its way, if it isn’t there already. What needs to be understood though is that extreme… Continue reading