Search Results for: ucg
…traction methods: Coal Bed Methane (CBM)and Underground Coal Gasification (UCG). CBM exploration has so far centred around Airth in the Midland Valley and Canonbie on the border with England, while UCG licensing has been just offshore in the Firth of Forth from Kincardine down to Largo Bay, as well as the Solway Firth. In 2014 the British Geological Survey (BGS) produced a report putting some numbers on the third fracking method threating the UK,… Continue reading
What is Underground Coal Gasification?
…oundwater contamination and massive carbon emissions. Small scale tests of UCG have been taking place on and off since the 1930’s, particularly in the Soviet Union and United States, and have usually resulted in contamination of groundwater. More recently there have been three tests in Australia, two of which have resulted in the plants being shutdown. After only a five day burn the well at the Cougar Energy plant in Kingaroy, Queensland exp… Continue reading
Fighting Fracking In 2015: A Year Of Delays And Community Victories
…s A flagship project cited by proponents of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) in the UK has resulted in criminal charges against the directors of an Australian company. It has taken seven years for the damage to come to light but Linc Energy’s directors now face massive fines and possible jail sentences. The Queensland Government has uncovered severe contamination surrounding Linc Energy’s UCG test site at Chinchilla. Toxic Syngas from undergrou… Continue reading
Wells, Wells And More Fracking Wells
…ion (UCG) a value 250,000 tons of coal per well was used. Since full scale UCG has never been undertaken this is very uncertain, but should be a good order of magnitude estimate. The number of wells calculated was capped at a density of 16 wells per square mile (40 acre spacing) for shale gas, shale oil and CBM, since drilling at higher densities than this has not happened to date. Where this has been done the number is shown in brackets. In gener… Continue reading
Industry Executives Face Jail In Underground Coal Gasification Trial
…nti-fracking group where you live. Read up on how you can fight fracking where you live. Check our map to see all UK Fracking and Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) licence areas >>Here<< Read more about UK UCG plans >>Here<< … Continue reading
Reports & Evidence
…Earthquakes Agriculture & Animal Health Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Submitter E-mail There is a growing body of evidence that supports the case for opposing fracking and unconventional oil and gas exploration/extraction. Evidence that is usually omitted from the narrow political and media debate. The list below contains a mix of peer reviewed papers and reports. There is a list of links to news articles on the Mounting Evidence page. B… Continue reading
Five-Quarter Energy
…d regional development funding and secured government backing for proposed UCG projects in the North East of England. The company coined the term ‘Deep Gas Winning’ in an attempt to shirk the negative publicity associated with UCG. Keep an eye out for this company’s activities. Along with Cluff Natural Resources they are looking to take this dangerous and experimental technology straight to production in the UK without any trials. Possibly o… Continue reading
A Renewed Fracking Threat: What You Can Do!
…e oil, tight gas, coalbed methane (CBM) and underground coal gasification (UCG). While these methods differ greatly in technical details, they are all driven by similar pressures and have similarly intense impacts. Over the last decade or so we have seen significant attempts to push forward all these methods, but in the face of growing resistance and unstable prices the more speculative or less profitable methods, UCG and CBM, have been de-priorit… Continue reading