Search Results for: ucg
Frack (UCG) Free Swansea
This page is about extreme fossil fuel extraction. Continue reading
Fracking Threat to the UK
…als are injected under massive pressure. CBM wells are also often fracked. UCG which involves setting fire to coal seams underground is even more extreme. These unconventional wells also have much shorter lifespans, with production from a typical shale well declining by 70 to 80 percent in the first year alone. This means that large numbers of new wells need to be constantly drilled to maintain production, even for short periods. In many areas of… Continue reading
Newsletter October 2012
…s granted by the Coal Authority for companies to produce synthetic gas via UCG. The shale gas and coalbed methane industries will ravage the British Isles if unchallenged, but UCG – the UK’s least visible planned method of producing unconventional gas – almost certainly poses an even greater threat. The few trials that have taken place in recent years have resulted in severe land and groundwater contamination. Do you live in Sout… Continue reading
PRESS RELEASE: Residents Say No To Burning Coal Under Swansea Bay
…s or Coal Bed Methane.” END Further information Notes for Editors [1] [2] [3] [4]… Continue reading
Fracking The East Midlands: Total Distraction
…order to produce a synthetic gas. There are two UCG licence blocks just off the coast of Lincolnshire (see black areas on the licence map above). Even more worryingly an application for a UCG licence in the Warwickshire suggests UCG licencing might move on shore, and this could put large areas of the region squarely in the firing line…. Continue reading
North East
…ntain billions of tonnes of coal. Four companies are planning experimental UCG projects that pose as greater threat to the people of the North East as the gas fields fracking companies want to drill elsewhere in the UK. By starting offshore, the UCG industry aims to minimise it’s visibility and resistance. However, it’s sights are definitely set onshore where costs can be minimised. Cluff Natural Resources were scared away from an onsh… Continue reading
Underground Coal Gasification Company Polluted 40,000 Hectares of Farmland
…The Queensland Government has concluded that with the potential impacts of UCG activities and the issues associated with the trial projects to date, the risks of allowing UCG projects to grow to commercial scale are not acceptable and outweigh the foreseeable benefits.” More news links 1, 2, 3 Cluff Natural Resources has similar plans in the UK. Five-Quarter Energy also holds licences but ceased trading last year. Read more about UCG in the… Continue reading
…es – containing several billion tonnes of coal between them. What is UCG?! Have a read of this new UCG fact Sheet. It’s a very good place to start! Download the high-res PDF here. Cluff Natural Resources, one of the UK pioneers of this experimental industry, have just been awarded 3 new licenses – two just off the coast near Durham and one above Whitehaven on the opposite side of the country:… Continue reading